
Thanks, Cataleptic.

It's true that there isn't much public awareness here about transgender policies. 

If anyone is making a concerted effort to warn Sundhedstyrelsen about WPATH and transitioning minors, it would be Dansk Regnbueråd (The Danish Rainbow Council), as I described - link to its FB page in the post. It's in Danish, like its website, but you can write to them in English. Here's a summary of its initiatives in English:


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Thanks for this and I'm definitely with you. After the exposé of the WPATH scandal with it's connections to obscene vile child pornography sites, together with it's latest revision of it's so-called guidelines which abandon virtually any idea about safeguarding through use of age limits, I wrote to the Danish sexological institute at Riget alerting them of WPATHS degeneracy, and recommending they sever all association with this porn saturated quacksalver institution. But they were obviously already aware and had quietly decided to look the other way and stir up as little attention as possible on the matter, so I got a polite e-mail back saying a lot of hot air amounting basically to that they would politely be ignoring me.

I now realise that it probably was a mistake to write to them, and that I should have written to the Danish Sundhedsstyrelsen who almost certainly are in the dark about it all. Perhaps a concerted letter writing campaign to Sundhedsstyrelsen might have an effect, because I'm certain the medical community in general in Denmark don't have a clue about any of this murky side of the ideology, and imagine all is rainbows and a a natural extension of the campaign for gay rights and so on. Most of them will never have even heard of WPATH, and I imagine would be shocked to know the truth. Denmark most definitely needs to follow the lead of the Karolinska Institute, perhaps not necessarily going so far as to report itself to the police for malpractice, but urgently needs to reconsider its position on puberty blockers, and to unambiguously declare itself no longer affiliated with the disgraceful WPATH.

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